Gate to the stars

71.00297.00 s DPH

Premium quality image in high resolution. Available on canvas and ECO canvas with a wooden recessed frame, aluminium frame with photographic plastic glass, or as a photographic desk. It’s on Your choice.

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The dark sky is like a gate to the stars.

You are feeling much closer to the universe, as while You near to the cities. Just silence and shimmering stars. This image was captured during my trip to the Dark Sky Reserve Poloniny. It’s directly from Runina village. I stargazed there for three nights and this one thanks to conditions it was significantly the best. I was just amazed by that view I could see, and about sky quality. I’m proud we have such a good place here. No shopping centers, any parking lots, just things that really matter. Nature in all its beauty and You.

Date and time: 21st of May 2020 approximately 2:00 AM UTC+2h

Location: Dark Sky Reserve Poloniny – Runina, Slovakia

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Alu Premium, Canvas ECO, Canvas fine ART, Photo board


100×75 cm, 125×95 cm, 60×45 cm