Noctilucent clouds over the High Tatras

68.00300.00 s DPH

Premium quality image in high resolution. Available on canvas and ECO canvas with a wooden recessed frame, aluminium frame with photographic plastic glass, or as a photographic desk. It’s on Your choice.

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Mesospheric clouds appeared in altitudes about 85km above the ground. I spent the night with 2 friends – photographers at the geographic center of Slovakia – Hrb. We had absolutely amazing conditions to observe the sky. From this series, I will constantly share other photos. This one was taken during the dawn. We slept under the night sky and waited for the comet NEOWISE. In the morning, something bright started to “spill” over the High Tatras – Slovak’s highest peaks. It was NLC – Noctilucent clouds.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Alu Premium, Canvas ECO, Canvas fine ART, Photo board


150×80 cm, 60×30 cm, 90×45 cm