Paradise planet and comet

79.00212.00 s DPH

Premium quality image in high resolution. Available on canvas and ECO canvas with a wooden recessed frame, aluminium frame with photographic plastic glass, or as a photographic desk. It’s on Your choice.

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I would like to share this special and beautiful moment with You. This picture was taken on the 16th of July 2020 at the Vai beach – Crete, Greece. Vai beach is famous due to the palm grove, the largest natural palm forest in Europe. I was so excited that I could enjoy the view for the gods with the palm trees and dark sky with the bright Milky way, even with the comet Neowise. I hope this image will partially represent the atmosphere I had that night.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Alu Premium, Canvas ECO, Canvas fine ART, Photo board


70×65 cm, 90×90 cm