Path of the comet Neowise

69.00345.00 s DPH

Premium quality image in high resolution. Available on canvas and ECO canvas with a wooden recessed frame, aluminium frame with photographic plastic glass, or as a photographic desk. It’s on Your choice.

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In July, something which came from far distances gained an interest in astronomers, photographers, and also the general public. We watched the great comet Neowise. Such an interesting “visitor” from the remote part of the Solar System really doesn’t come often. For that reason, excellent Czech photographer

Petr Horálek

and I decided to catch all its beauty for almost the whole month. Well, behind this image stands a lot of data indeed. A lot of “catching” good weather, a lot of traveling (some data become from the Crete – Greece). Other data came from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. A lot of effort about planning and making a panoramic picture after almost a month of unsuitable weather. Due to that, the path fits exactly over the High Tatras peaks – the highest Slovak’s mountains. And of course, truly difficult post-process behind one picture. At the end of all our work, as a result, is a unique image of whole behavior, the path, and metamorphosis of the stunning comet of the year 2020, which will be in our memories for a long time.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Alu Premium, Canvas ECO, Canvas fine ART, Photo board


150×95 cm, 60×40 cm, 90×60 cm