View to the vast mirror

69.00294.00 s DPH

Premium quality image in high resolution. Available on canvas and ECO canvas with a wooden recessed frame, aluminium frame with photographic plastic glass, or as a photographic desk. It’s on Your choice.

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As the winter starts in the Northern hemisphere, the known asterism Summer triangle is setting at the beginning of nights. Winter constellations are rising and shining the whole night. But just after dusk, at the beginning of the astronomical night, bright light from the west is shining along the sky. It’s nicely visible by the naked eye and maybe looks like if someone lit the particles in the sky with a strong reflector. In fact, it’s not far away from true, but on an extremely huge scale. What causes the ghost light? In the ecliptic band in the inner Solar System, there are a lot of particles, dust, and rocks. Due to its tiny size, together, it creates a vast reflecting surface. Sun permanently lit this huge mirror and we can observe it as a light cone up in the sky. And as You can see, I literally enjoyed the view to the largest mirror in Solar System.

Observers from mid-latitudes can notice this light near the equinoxes, but in great conditions also in surrounded months, as in this case.

Additional information

Dimensions N/A

Alu Premium, Canvas ECO, Canvas fine ART, Photo board


130×90 cm, 60×40 cm, 90×55 cm