Astronomers paradise. There are a few places in the world, which deserve this name. And La Palma – or La Isla Bonita from the Canary Islands is definitely one of them. Thanks to the low level of light pollution and several sky-protecting restrictions in the “Reserva Starlight” country offers many splendid views of the sky. At a higher altitude about 2.300m, when extremely clear conditions have met with the cloud inversion above the light sources, the universe around us stood out in its greatest. A unique volcanic landscape of Caldera de Taburiente surrounded by millions of stars, the Galaxy with emission nebulas, bright green airglow, and two planets – Jupiter and Saturn create the special dramatic glimpse. To be honest, with the naked eye it was really tremendous as well! I hope You will like the image taken during the best night of my 3-weeks long astro trip in the Canaries.