Gegenschein at the Three wells

4. August 2020

The plan was to go to the Three wells (High Tatras – Slovakia) and capture the setting Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn. Besides that, I knew I will also have about 15 minutes to make a whole sky panorama.  Well, it’s not a lot of time and for that reason, I had to count exposure time and other things to “catch” the astronomical night.


As the Moon set, I thought above the horizon there’s some of Moonlight relic till I looked at the photographs. Due to the little bit higher altitude, low light pollution, and cities far away, the pureness of the sky was pretty captivating. It means, that I spotted the gegenschein and zodiacal light bridge, which isn’t a strong phenomenon, but much rarer as moonlight.


In the photo, the Milky Way and zodiacal bridge are creating the two arcs. In the Milky way arc, there’s a lot of stars, nebulas, and also star clusters. In the second – zodiacal arc, we can see Jupiter, Saturn, and even Mars.  Just because the zodiacal light lies at the level of the ecliptic of our Solar system. As You can see in these pictures, the gegenschein wasn’t the only interesting thing there. Therefore it’s from 1st of August, the night sky was enriched by a few early Perseids meteors. Besides that, You can see the beautiful Milky Way surrounded by airglow, the atmospheric phenomenon. The galactic core was below the horizon, but the Milky Way’s brightness and even colors were pretty natural and interesting. What a beautiful night indeed!

For these photographs I used the modified Canon 6D and Sigma Art 28mm lens.


“Galactic jets” 


Milky Way, gegenschein and a cottage


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